Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Marianna Paige

That's just how life is, I guess. You have your first sip of liquor and it tastes good or bad or wonderful or disgusting. It depends on your tastes. Either way, it burns your throat. But always the taste fades. Another sip, another bottle. Sooner or later it just tastes like nothing. That's how life is. A new pair of shoes, how exciting. A few months later laying forgotten at the bottom of your closet. A new phone - you'll protect it with your life at first but then one day you'll drop it and it won't matter, you'll just shrug it off. It's like that with everything. "I love you I love you I love you" and soon enough, it doesn't mean anything. Like drinking vodka and tasting water.

Sometimes the entire world breaks and I wish I had known that the broken things are not ugly. I wish I had known that the cracks and empty spaces are dangerous and the only way to avoid them is to cling to the broken things.

It's so much easier to be mad at you than it is to admit that maybe I'm the one to blame for the way we ended up. I'm all for preserving the truth but just this once I'd rather live in the delusion that this was all your fault. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if it were any other way. I need to be mad at you in order to stay sane. I'm so sorry. But I hope you're sorry too.

I don't like causing a scene. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I want to go out with little more than a whisper, I don't want to leave a trace. I don't want to hurt anyone by leaving but I don't want to keep hurting myself by staying. Sometimes I'm still amazed by the fact that I exist. I exist, I exist. And it scares me. I keep forgetting that I only have one life, this is my only chance to do everything in the world. I've already messed up so much and I'm scared to take another step. Most of the time I just want to get away from myself, put my body on auto-pilot and get away for a while. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I just want to disappear. Cease the whirlwind madness of my life, let go of my death grip on existence. Whisper goodbye and be gone. 

To me, what makes a good writer is that they can write about feelings and emotions that you didn't know existed in you and bring out the thoughts that you've always been feeling but can't really explain.

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