Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day.

I had a really great Mother's Day celebration today. Went to Jerry's at Club Street with la familia for lunch then spent the rest of the afternoon with Grandma from Dad's side and then dinner with Grandma from Mum's side. Though I know I look grumpy most of the time because of the food coma that I keep suppressing but I really enjoyed my day with them three.

And Dear Mum,
Thank you so much for everything you've done. We might not be the closest but I know you'll be willing to hear whatever I have to say. Thank you for putting up with my petty and messy personality all the time. Thank you for doing the chores even though I know you're tired (ok sorry). Thank you for always being there with advices that I should take. Thank you for trusting me and giving me so much freedom. Thank you for being such a cool mum. Would never exchange you for any other mum in the world. I love you and always will.

And you,
Sometimes I just want to move on so badly then just like that, I find myself missing you and wanting you more than anything I've ever wanted. You always put my emotions on the two extreme poles and I just have no idea what to do. I keep wondering if I can really do this with you then decide against it because I know I'm so emotionally weak, that it is just going to be destructive. I just hate the effect you have on me.

/ edit
I think I know what I'm supposed to do now but okay, we'll see.

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