Friday, October 26, 2012


I was intending to blog about my birthday next week because I think the celebration's not over. Heh. But I just wanna say some things because I'm feeling really really really blessed this moment and next time if I'm in a bad mood, I can just read back on how I felt. (:

So I turned 20 on the 25th and I was really dreading it because I didn't want to turn 20 so badly and I didn't have any plans at all cause I didn't know what to do. But in the end, I spent the eve of my birthday with Jia at the petrol kiosk and she got me some halloween candies which was really random and then we went over to meet my sec school friends. It was nice, really nice to be spending the first few minutes of my birthday with her. I was really excited though, kept jumping around her saying "omg omg I'm turning twenty!! it's my birthday!!". Hehe..

Okay then on the day itself, my cousin Huimin and my sister gave me a drawing pad which really surprised me cause I thought they forgotten about my birthday. Okay then Xinyi and Libing came over and we had pizza and beer and ice cream. Basically just chilled and it was really nice, made me very happy. (: Then me and Xinyi went down to our bar cause it's also Wati's birthday and they gave me a bottle of Apple Sourz and a lot of hugs and I got really high on it. I love Apple Sourzzz so much. Heh oh ya, then Prashanth came down too and it was Halloween night at the bar so there's quite a number of people who dressed up and we made friends with some and got a few handshakes wishing me Happy Birthday, some even wanted to buy me a drink but well, my bottle's still not finished so I declined! Okay then I got home and skyped a little with Jay and he made me really happy. Hehe, yup, that's basically how I celebrated my birthday.

On 26th.. which is today, I had my belated birthday lunch with my family and my grandma! I love it when my grandma's around because I just love her so much. She's so young at heart, I didn't even realise she's 70 until she told me. So after lunch, I accompanied her to Chinatown to walk around then I went to nap awhile at her house. Saw my drunkard of a grandpa, he's so funny. Haha.. okay then I met Prashanth and we went to Merry Men at Robertson Quay. Food was not bad but the Black Forest Mojito was kinda weird but forced myself to finish at least 3/4 of it otherwise I'll be wasting money. I mean, wasting Prashanth's money cause it was his treat! Heh then I came home and realized there's a big awfully chocolate cake in the fridge for me! I was just thinking how I can't get any wishes because I didn't get any cake this birthday but yay! I can get my wishes now. (:

Okay, I don't usually type my day out but I really feel very blessed with the people around me and them spoiling me just because it's my birthday. I was thinking how much happier I was this birthday as compared to last birthday even though last birthday I was with him. Sorry for this wordy post but I'll try to include some pictures the next post if I'm not lazy! And I need to thank my love onesss in the next post. Hehe

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