Saturday, June 9, 2012


I'm currently working as a part time designer at Home24 for 2 weeks. Maybe 3, if I can stand the new distance. Pioneer to Macpherson is no joke, 3 hours spent on traveling itself is not funny. It is tiring and I cried last night because my legs were hurting and thought about how unfair it is that I stay at one extreme end of Singapore instead of being at the central part. I cried because I didn't know, didn't have a single clue what I was trying to do with my life and if whether I will be just a useless bum in the future. Yes, I am this retarded everyday.

Doesn't help that my very good friend just enlisted yesterday. Let's just countdown to 2 weeks yeah?

Baked oreo brownies yesterday and Grandma was being such a funny bitch. Seriously. Can't stand her.

Me "See, new lipstick. Its red"
Grandma "Okay you can give me some of your old lipstick"
Me "You also don't wear"
Grandma "I don't have how I wear?"

My Grandma is my most most most favourite person on earth and because there's three most then you know it's true. I like to repeat things three times to prove that it's real. 

So anyways, I baked those brownies for my sister's 21st birthday party which is later on and I hope the guests enjoy them. I told my Grandma that if they don't rave about them then just say we bought them from somewhere, then she say okay, let's say they're from JB. Hahaha, what the hell..

These are the brownies, they're very thick with oreo on top. Okay, that's all the update. I am not happy with my life but I am trying to be.

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