Friday, February 17, 2012


As I'm typing this, I'm attempting to rap to B.O.B's Nothing On You. Ha. Me and rap.. it never works well.

Today was a day of many firsts.

First time watching a movie alone. The Descendants. It was good, like good good. Made me think about a lot of things, like if I was in his or her shoes, what would I be doing differently or maybe I'd be just the same? Thank God for the near to empty cinema because I think I cried like twice to myself, not that kind of.. breaking down crying, but those kind where you just get damn immersed into the movie and just followed their emotions. It was good.

And today was the first time since.. like 3/4 years since I've laughed till I lost control of my face and just, kept laughing till I teared up. I honestly have forgotten about how that felt like until just now. It felt so good, as though as I found myself. I love it.

Then today I tried Baileys for the first time and I love it so much. Sweet upon consumption, with a strong burning aftermath down your throat. Just the way I like it.

And finally.. for the first time in my life, I have a direction to work towards to.

I finally found me again. I'm going to try so hard, so fucking hard, to make this feeling last. Because this is, honestly, the best feeling that one should have.

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