Saturday, December 31, 2011


So.. this post, the last of 2011, will be very rushed because I've got a busy day later on.

2011. Where do I start? Hmm.. Alright, in the beginning of the year, I found myself still trapped in my previous relationship and it was really hard for me to get back on my feet. But I've also found someone who helped me through it, someone who's a big part of my life right now, someone who was actually a big part of my life and the someone who, I think, was my biggest gain this year. I was mostly happy, and I still am.

But what's life without any shits happening right? This year I've also experience getting fired for the first time, surviving a 2 months long distance relationship (it's really hard), been lied to the first time, meeting old friends in the longest time, clubbing a little more often, going Phuket for the first time with love, attending my first cremation (RIP Q), mum being sick, driving for the first time, bought the most expensive Christmas present for love and making cards for Christmas and really enjoying it and I guess that's about it.

All in all, my new year's resolution is for myself to be happy, to take things in my stride and to accept whatever that is being thrown at me.

So.. I'm having my last lunch with the family later and a sleepover at my girl's crib. 2012, I'm ready for you.

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