Sunday, January 20, 2013

The way I loved you

I think it will never get easier. People always say that but there's always this moment when you thought to yourself, I'm finally moving on, I'm finally making progress but no, all you need is this one little thing that will bring you back to the exact emotions you felt that day and it still hurts like crazy. So no, it doesn't get easier. You just know how to handle it better.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Trouble with the curve.

I wish I could push you to the back of my head, or even out of my mind. I wish I could punch the hell out of you, kick you in the nuts or do whatever, just so you'll feel like that 1% of hurt I felt. I won't even say 100% cause you'll never understand how that feels, considering how heartless you are. But yeah, I wish I could take it all back, I wish I could stop being wrong about people, I wish my judgement would be a tiny bit better so I could stop getting hurt. I wish I wish I wish, well honestly, I just wish I was everything I'm not.

Just like how I wish I could love you.